We do not exactly know what motivated you to become self-employed or to work for the company you are currently working for. If you continue reading, we can tell you about our motivations!

We, that means my Dutch partner Daan de Graaf and myself, Lisa Henke, business consultant from Hilversum and Düsseldorf at dbt das-berater-team, as well as our cooperation partners in the fields of strategy, finance, insurance, web and graphic design, search engine optimization, onlinemarketingSince 2009, the dbt team has grown to more than 30 specialists.

When we founded the company in 2009, Lisa Henke came in contact with a young author who wanted to publish his first book. But he did not found a publisher since he was still unknown and also he had no idea how he could sell his books. Money was also scarce. We were able to help him and did the design of the book cover, the marketing and sales. With the help and support of the entire team, he now has even published two novels.

Today the orders are often quite different. Recently a company from China started with two people. Within a period of five months, the company employed 186 employees. Today the company is on its way to build a large online trading company, which sells products from Europe to China.

The two mentioned customers are perhaps different from the sales volume - well - very different! But their needs and questions of those different clients were prety similar:

    How do I get into the market?
How do I find my default setting?
What approvals and conditions exist?
How do I finance my idea?

In order to give our customers comprehensive and holistic advice, Daan de Graaf and I have built up a network of specialists over the years, so that we can advise clients professionally and competently.

Special about this is that our customers form their consultant team according to their individual needs and wishes, so that they only pay for the services they need and commission.

From our experience and from many years of consulting experience, we know:

Leading a company successfully means lifelong learning. If you only rely on "learning by doing", you often pay high apprenticeship fees.

Entrepreneurs who have already been on the road for a long period of time can regularly plan and verify their goals. Sttate fundings are available. We are listed for various funding programs and are looking forward to see which fundings apply to you and your company.

We support you holistically in keeping your company on track:

The way to us is worthwhile!

You benefit twice: Professional advice by your personal consulting team, coupled with the possibility to get funding which reduces your own share of the consulting fees by up to 50%.

  •     For you and your employees, we offer various seminars and workshops.
  •     Provided individual and personal advice and support.
  •     The initial consultation is of course, free of charge.

Make an appointment with us today and we will clarify the possibilities of cooperation with a cup of coffee. 
We are looking forward to your call at +49 (0) 211 or your mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

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